Friday, December 21, 2012

Our New House!


We have officially purchased a little little bungalow at 411 East Oak Street!!!(Lamar, Colorado 81052)   The furniture was delivered last night and we plan to load everything into the garage until we have time to gut the kitchen and downstairs bath and create a second bath upstairs.  

 It was built in 1914 right in the middle of the Arts&Crafts movement. It has many original features still built in - pictures to come! I think the massive bushes out front need to go - what do you think?  How about some prairie grasses!  We just noticed they put the ones backwards on our address - funny!


  1. What a beautiful project! Do you and your husband do all of the work yourselves? Is there a yoga class in town? :)

  2. Hi Deb - oh, wow. I finally figured out how to my son would say "what a newbie". We do a lot of the work and all the design and's fun but it seems slower than I want it to be!
    There is a yoga ranch - classes are starting in two weeks. I can't wait. There is one class at the community center on Thursday nights but not what I am used to....
    How are you!!!!!

  3. Hi Susan and Randy,

    What a nice little house - something of a change from your place in Sebec. I drive by your old place a couple of times per week and every time I do, think of your pig raising adventures. I am sitting here at Mayo hospital, waiting for my next patient to be roomed. There have been a lot of changes around here since you guys left. A lot of people have left, a lot of new faces just starting. Take care, Brian Miller
