Clearly this is a very self indulgent blog- I really just want to remember my thought process in picking the colors for our kitchen.
The first thing I ever painted in this new house was the pantry - I picked a color called Homestead Green by Benjamin Moore - basically because it matched the original color of the pantry VERY closely. This was after hours and hours of stripping the wallpaper. So many suggestions here - vinegar, Downy softener.....pick and peel and do it again wow did they have some strong glue.
I am not really a green person but this is in the blue/green family and very pretty. The pantry is in the back of this shot. The next nook is the kitchen "office". For this small area we picked "Hemlock" which is a dark blue. Really pretty color!
I was not considering bringing the Homestead Green color into the kitchen but after a failed attempt at introducing Citroen - it just became easier to choose a known color. We are putting the stove against the wall that has the chimney box from the other side. We had hoped to expose the brick - too buried - so my husband had a great idea of painting it brick red - I love it.
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